Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Huh?!?!?! Well, I'll let you in on a little secret here. This is "known" to make teething problems nearly a thing of the past. Courtesy of Uncle Frank and Aunt Laurie.

What is it you ask? Well follow closely:
Step 1: Take one dirty white sock (yes, I said dirty)
Step 2: Go to your refrigerator and take out one raw egg...straight from the carton.
Step 3: Place egg in sock
Step 4: Hang dirty white sock and egg in your baby's closet
YES! It really is just that simple

And NOOOO, it doesn't stink...I sniffed for myself ;)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Look closely...we survied our first two teeth :) She's a tough one


My little piggy LOVES to eat!!! Well at least she likes to eat sweet pototoes...anything else? Not so much.